Referencing LayerManager Actions in Code

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Referencing LayerManager Actions in Code

LayerManager includes the following useful actions that can be called by your own code, such as VBA macros or C#.




ApplyShapeLayerSet.<layer set name>

Applies the named layer set to the page, if the named Layer Set Button exists on the active page

ApplyShapeLayerSetToDocument.<layer set name>

Applies the named layer set to all the pages, if the named Layer Set Button exists on the active page


Reverses the direction of all selected 1D shapes


Makes all secondary selected 2D shapes to be the same height as the primary selected 2D shape


Makes all secondary selected 2D shapes to be the same width as the primary selected 2D shape


Makes all secondary selected 2D shapes to be the same wideth and height as the primary selected 2D shape


They simply need to be called with the Visio Application.QueueMarkerEvent(contextString), where the contextString is "bvLayerManager.<parameter>"


VBA example to apply the "Space Usage" layer set to the active page:


Application.QueueMarkerEvent "bVLayerManager.ApplyShapeLayerSet.Space Usage"