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The Multi-Language Text  add-in is for Microsoft Visio 2010 and later versions. It enables a Visio document to store multiple alternate language versions of text for every page and shape.

Every Visio document has a Language setting, which is a four character number code known as the LCID (Locale Id), but Multi-Language Text  add-in allows you to store multiple language texts for each page and shape.

In addition, it provides you with an alternate language so that you can easily translate from one language to another.

The add-in presents itself as a group called “Multi-Language Text” on the Add-Ins tab in Visio 2010+.


Note that the above screen shot displays the Translate research panel that can be opened from the Language group on the Review tab.  This is very useful for copying and pasting text from the page name, or shape text in order to get he translation to another language.