Referencing SS Plus Actions in Code

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Referencing SS Plus Actions in Code

SS Plus includes the following useful actions that can be called by your own code, such as VBA macros or C#.





<Page ID of the Slide Snippet> : <Shape ID of the Slide Snippet>


They simply need to be called with the Visio Application.QueueMarkerEvent(contextString), where the contextString is "bVSSPlus.<parameter>"


VBA example to zoom to the rectangular area the "Space Usage" layer set to the active page:


Application.QueueMarkerEvent "bVSSPlus.ZoomToSnippet.9:3425"


The easiest way to get the page ID is to go into the Immediate WIndow in VBA and type:



The easist way to get the ID of the Slide Snippet shape is to open the Drawing Explorer window and read the number at the end of its name.
